Yes mostly the products will be same as represented in the image. But sometimes color may vary as per the stock. Also sometimes product quality may vary as per the different price and sizes, so make sure to choose right size.
Sure you can become our reseller with bulk quantity order of 6 or 12 piece order (May vary product to product). Also you can put a minimum order of Rs.5000/- to get the wholesale price.
You should be able to receive the order details on your email or whatsapp once you confirm the order.
All the products are checked before shipping, so there is no refund or return possible in any of the products. In case if we find any genuine concern on the product then you have to bear the shipping charges to deliver on our address.
Yes most of the time we restock most of the products which we purchase from different vendor on weekly basis. So you can speak with our team on 9993737019 or call us on 7024829255
Usually shipping charges are Rs.50/- per 500 gram and Rs.80/- per KG India wide, if you want to order in any other country then charges may vary!
Shipping may take upto 8 days as per your location and shipping company. We try our best to dispatch the product as early as possible. In case if your product is in backorder then it may take upto 10-15 days.